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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

19 Terms to Know from Homeric Epic

19 Terms to Know from Homeric Epic The following terms or concepts help characterize epic poetry. Try to find them when you read the Iliad, Odyssey, or Aeneid. Aidos: shame, can range from a sense of respect to disgrace Aition: cause, origin Anthropomorphism: Literally, turning into a human being. Gods and goddesses are anthropomorphized when they take on human qualities Arete: virtue, excellence Aristeia: a warriors prowess or excellence; a scene in battle where the warrior finds his (or her) finest moment Ate: blindness, madness, or folly that the gods may impose with or without the fault of the human. Dactylic Hexameter: the meter of epic has 6 dactylic feet in a line. A dactyl is a long syllable followed by two short. In English, this meter winds up sounding sing-songy. Daktylos is a word for a finger, which, with its 3 phalanges, is like a finger. Dolos: trickery Geras: a gift of honor In medias res into the middle of things, the epic story begins in the middle of things and reveals the past with narratives and flashbacks Invocation: at the start of epic, the poet calls upon the Goddess or Muse. The poet either believes or adopts the stance that the poem couldnt be composed without divine inspiration. Kleos: fame, especially immortal, for a deed. From a word for that which is heard, kleos is renown. Kleos can also refer to praise poetry.See Reading Epic: an Introduction to the Ancient Narratives, by Peter Toohey Moira: portion, share, lot in life, destiny Nemesis: righteous indignation Nostoi: (singular: nostos) return voyages Penthos: grief, suffering Timē: honor, should be proportionate to arete Xenia (Xeinia): bond of guest-friendship (xenos/xeinos: host/guest) Personification: treating an abstract or inanimate object as if it were living

Saturday, November 23, 2019

About the United States Attorneys

About the United States Attorneys The United States Attorneys, under the direction and supervision of the Attorney General, represent the federal government in courtrooms across the entire nation. There are currently  93 U.S. Attorneys based throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. One United States Attorney is assigned to each of the judicial districts, with the exception of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands where a single United States Attorney serves in both districts. Each U.S. Attorney is the chief federal law enforcement officer of the United States within his or her particular local jurisdiction. All U.S. Attorneys are required to live in the district to which they are appointed, except that in the District of Columbia and the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, they may live within 20 miles of their district. Established by the Judiciary Act of 1789, the United States Attorneys have long been a part of the countrys history and legal system. Salaries of the U.S. Attorneys   Salaries of U.S. Attorneys are currently  set by the Attorney General. Depending on their experience, U.S. Attorneys can make from about $46,000 to about $150,000 a year (in 2007). Details on the current salaries and benefits of U.S. Attorneys can be found on the Web site of the Department of Justices Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management. Until 1896, U.S. Attorneys were paid on a fee system based on the cases they prosecuted. For attorneys serving coastal districts, where the courts were filled with maritime cases dealing with seizures and forfeitures involving expensive shipping cargo, those fees could amount to quite a substantial sum. According to the Justice Department, One U.S. Attorney in a coastal district reportedly received an annual income of $100,000 as early as 1804. When the Justice Department began regulating the salaries of the U.S. Attorneys in 1896, they ranged from $2,500 to $5,000. Until 1953, the U.S. Attorneys were allowed to supplement their incomes by retaining their private practice while holding office.   What the U.S. Attorneys Do The U.S. Attorneys represent the federal government, and thus the American people, in any trial in which the United States is a party. Under Title 28, Section 547 of the United States Code, the U.S. Attorneys have three main responsibilities: prosecution of criminal cases brought by the federal government;prosecution and defense of civil cases in which the United States is a party; andcollection of money owed to the government which cannot be collected administratively. Criminal prosecution conducted by U.S. Attorneys includes cases involving violations of the federal criminal laws, including organized crime, drug trafficking, political corruption, tax evasion, fraud, bank robbery, and civil rights offenses. On the civil side, U.S. Attorneys spend most of their courtroom time defending government agencies against claims  and enforcing social legislation such as environmental quality and fair housing laws. When representing the United States in court, the U.S. Attorneys are expected to represent and implement the policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. While they receive direction and policy advice from the Attorney General and other Justice Department officials, the U.S. Attorneys are allowed a large degree of independence and discretion in choosing which cases they prosecute. Prior to the Civil War, the U.S. Attorneys were allowed to prosecute those crimes specifically mentioned in the Constitution, namely, piracy, counterfeiting, treason, felonies committed on the high seas, or cases resulting from interference with federal justice, extortion by federal officers, thefts by employees from the United States Bank, and arson of federal vessels at sea How U.S. Attorneys are Appointed U.S. Attorneys are appointed by the President of the United States for four-year terms. Their appointments must be confirmed by a majority vote of the U.S. Senate. By law, U.S. Attorneys are subject to removal from their posts by the President of the United States. While most U.S. Attorneys serve full four-year terms, usually corresponding to the terms of the president who appointed them, mid-term vacancies do occur. Each U.S. Attorney is allowed to hire and fire Assistant U.S. Attorneys as needed to meet the case load generated in their local jurisdictions. U.S. Attorneys are allowed wide authority in controlling the personnel management, financial management, and procurement functions of their local offices. Prior to enactment of the Patriot Act Reauthorization Bill of 2005, on March 9, 2006, mid-term replacement U.S. Attorneys were appointed by the Attorney General to serve for 120 days, or until a permanent replacement appointed by the president could be confirmed by the Senate. A provision of the Patriot Act Reauthorization Bill removed the 120-day limit on the terms of interim U.S. Attorneys, effectively extending their terms to the end of the presidents term and bypassing the U.S. Senates confirmation process. The change effectively extended to the president the already controversial power of making ​recess appointments in installing U.S. Attorneys.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 54

Case Study Example In Washington State in particular, tobacco and marijuana have continued to be most widely smoked by youth (Washington State Health Youth Survey, 2011). The percentage of those who smoked everyday decreased gradually between the years 2005 and 2010 from 17.5 percent to 11.0 percent (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). This implied that many people had quit smoking in this period while others had changed from smoking every day to smoking in some days only. The ability to purchase cigarettes is a product of individual income. Tobacco control advocates have seen an increase in the prices of tobacco resulting to a decline in smoking among the population (Shelly, 2010). Taxes are imposed on tobacco products increasing the price of tobacco and hence increase the cost of smoking. This reduces the smoking practice among no income or low-income adults as affordability of tobacco become quite hard (Chaloupka, Straif & Leon, 2011). This could be a reason for people to quit smoking or reduce the rate of smoking. Cigarette smoking among high school seniors declined by a quarter among male students and a half among female students between the years 2001 and 2011 (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The number of people who smoked some days in Washington, increased from 2.4 percent to 4.2 percent. This was not gradual as the number had increased to 5.9 and 5.0 percent between 1995 to 2000, and 2005 respectively (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Because smoking had become expensive between those years, some people may have reduced the frequency at which they smoked from every day to some days. The numbers increase implied that a number of every day smokers and non-smokers had begun to smoke on some days. The percentage of non-smokers in the state had gradually decreased from 29.9 to 25.5 percent between the years 1995 and 2010 (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ask week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ask week 3 - Essay Example In what ways can you ensure this? This can be argued to be correct because organisations should get to learn and understand foreign cultures and incorporate their customs into their operations (Warren 2011). When recruiting and hiring employees, an organization should have ethical approach towards the whole process. Explain how an organization should carryout this process in relation to its internationalisation. This is vital especially depending on whether an organization want to keep local standards and values or to create an international â€Å"universal† code. In relation to your quench to develop a leading-edge bionanotechnology-based detection system for laboratory medicine, what are some advantages of approaching the issue as group? It is apparent that working as a team could lead to new seminal findings and discoveries (Spence 1998). In what ways can various cultures influence how work is done in laboratory? For example, some aspects like the cultural aspects of consensus thinking and problem-solving, seniority of position over those of junior standing and the notions of class or castes such as socioeconomic may highly impact on decision making and problem solving (Korthals 2008). Do you think a more universal code, framework for operating or organizational guidelines can add greatly to improving your situation? If yes, state in what ways. For example, in some of your groups the notion of ‘losing one’s face’ is very important concept that is varied by type of group. Therefore, taking a more relative than absolute approach to individual interpretations could be crucial (Svensson and Wood 2008). Are there advantages of working with individuals with international experience? This is important because collaborative work may need people with vast experience on how to work as a group with people from other culture. In what ways would an

Sunday, November 17, 2019

National Identtiy Essay Example for Free

National Identtiy Essay National identity refers to the set of attributes and beliefs shared by those who belong to the same nation, the legitimate form of a political organization. Our independence and the way the achieve liberty is through self-rule. According to Anthony Smith a nation is a self-identifying group or community based on such factors as a common culture, history, language, ethnicity and religion. (Power Point Lecture) Nations can adopt a degree of common culture and belief, a set of common understandings such as language and ambitions to promote a cohesive unit. National identity is multi-dimensional and there are 5 fundamental features: historic territory or homeland, common myths and historical memories, a common mass public culture, common legal rights and duties for all members, and common economy with territorial mobility for members. The first feature is historic territory or homeland. Without territory that we call our own we can’t have national identity. One example is the singing of the National Anthem. This is clearly a well-respected song of praise about the land that brings us freedom which we view as our beautiful country. Territory is land that is claimed and called their own, yet there are nations in the past that have had their state and now became nations without states like Catalonia and Scotland. The United States is an example of a nation that doesn’t have a dominant group and a multi-cultural society as a civic nation. An example from the lecture was how we cannot particularly identify an â€Å"American† here in America, but if we were to fly to Japan, an American can be identified very quickly because of their dominant groups. Second, are the common myths and historical memories which are told. This pertains to national identity of people and about their origins. Historic memories refer to illustrations and historical events that become a part of the national story. An example in the lecture is the topic of 9/11. We put aside time to remember 9/11, often events associated with war and how identity is created. Also in national identity we pay taxes to people with never meet, because we have common bonds of obligations to each other, we care about strangers that are part of our nation. We start seeing each other as human in which we outline ourselves in contra distinction to others. The third fundamental feature is the common mass public culture. This is the requirement that we have institutions that reach out and forge a sense of belonging to national identity. Schools and educational institutions are associated in this feature. An example is The Pledge of Allegiance, origins of nations are illustrations of why we learn is since kindergarten and how we must put our right hand over our heart and face the flag as we recite The Pledge of Allegiance. Also, our calendar reminds us we are American and what it means to be American. For Americans the 4th of July is an example and for Mexicans the celebration of Cinco de Mayo is another example of national recognition to those living in Mexico. On Thanksgiving we give thanks because this is the day in which we merit the discovery of our country. In addition, the singing of the National Anthem that starts off the Super bowl also emphasizes the point that we participate in a common mass public culture. All of these examples symbolize that we are a multi-cultural society. The fourth feature explains how common legal right and duties for all members speak to the coherence between nationalism and equality. Each one of us belongs to a different sub group, meaning our citizenship. The fifth and final feature is the common economy with territorial mobility, meaning getting rid of barriers for commerce for common trade. Keeping the same concurrent of currency and standards of measurements in the United States means you know your part of the same nation. The ability to travel freely from one place to another is what we acknowledge as a national identity. For instance, if I were to travel to Ensenada, B. C I would most likely trade in my currency for pesos. A different currency system means a different nation. This also explains a part of what it means to have a national identity. In conclusion, national identity is formed from our interpretation of our nation. Citizens learn to identify with their nation in several ways from singing anthems, honoring calendar holidays such as Memorial Day and 4th of July which in all illustrate to us how to love our beautiful country even to the point of willing to kill for a nation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Commencement of W.J. Bryan :: William Jennings Bryan Elementary School Essays

The Commencement of W.J. Bryan In 1905, the first school house was built where William Jennings Bryan Elementary now stands. It was a tiny one-room wooden building, which housed ten boys and girls. There were no screens on the door to keep the mosquitoes out. It was located between a pine thicket and a guava grove, and on each side of the little beaten path to the door, coleus were planted. In 1907, the school opened for the third term. At that time, the school was named Arch Creek District School and still had only 10 students. In 1911, another schoolhouse was erected which had thirty students and was known as the Knights of Pythias Hall. In 1916, the school board decided that a larger building was needed and the present site of William Jennings Bryan Elementary School, consisting of ten acres of fine land, was purchased. In 1928, there was a terrible fire, which burned down all of the buildings. Our present school building was built during that same year and was ready for occupancy in September. It was built large enough to house the junior high school as well as the elementary school. It was known as the Miami Shores School until the death of William Jennings Bryan, when it was renamed in his honor. Consequently, it was the first school in Miami-Dade County to be declared a Historical Site. Today, W.J. Bryan is filled to capacity with twenty-two portables, also known as "Portable City", necessary to accommodate over 1,500 children from grades Pre-K through Fifth, who attend our facility. The Nora Brandt West Wing, added less than a year ago, was named after our previous principal, who retired in the summer of 1997. Here we find the Kindergarten and Academic Excellence classes (grades 1-5), as well as our renowned "Media Center", one of the most beautiful in the country. Our current project, "The W.J. Bryan Primary Learning Center", under construction, is located a block away from the main building, to house a pre-k and eight kindergarten classes. In addition, an administrator, lead teacher, cafeteria, and complete office staff will staff the new center. Its doors are scheduled to open to staff, students, and parents in April, 1998. Where Lions ROAR with PRIDE William Jennings Bryan Elementary is over seventy years old, yet it still portrays the same strong spirit as it did when it first opened. Our school’s mascot, "The Bryan Lion", was chosen as early as the 1930s for its proper representation of the pride everyone feels who are or has been part of the Bryan family. The Commencement of W.J. Bryan :: William Jennings Bryan Elementary School Essays The Commencement of W.J. Bryan In 1905, the first school house was built where William Jennings Bryan Elementary now stands. It was a tiny one-room wooden building, which housed ten boys and girls. There were no screens on the door to keep the mosquitoes out. It was located between a pine thicket and a guava grove, and on each side of the little beaten path to the door, coleus were planted. In 1907, the school opened for the third term. At that time, the school was named Arch Creek District School and still had only 10 students. In 1911, another schoolhouse was erected which had thirty students and was known as the Knights of Pythias Hall. In 1916, the school board decided that a larger building was needed and the present site of William Jennings Bryan Elementary School, consisting of ten acres of fine land, was purchased. In 1928, there was a terrible fire, which burned down all of the buildings. Our present school building was built during that same year and was ready for occupancy in September. It was built large enough to house the junior high school as well as the elementary school. It was known as the Miami Shores School until the death of William Jennings Bryan, when it was renamed in his honor. Consequently, it was the first school in Miami-Dade County to be declared a Historical Site. Today, W.J. Bryan is filled to capacity with twenty-two portables, also known as "Portable City", necessary to accommodate over 1,500 children from grades Pre-K through Fifth, who attend our facility. The Nora Brandt West Wing, added less than a year ago, was named after our previous principal, who retired in the summer of 1997. Here we find the Kindergarten and Academic Excellence classes (grades 1-5), as well as our renowned "Media Center", one of the most beautiful in the country. Our current project, "The W.J. Bryan Primary Learning Center", under construction, is located a block away from the main building, to house a pre-k and eight kindergarten classes. In addition, an administrator, lead teacher, cafeteria, and complete office staff will staff the new center. Its doors are scheduled to open to staff, students, and parents in April, 1998. Where Lions ROAR with PRIDE William Jennings Bryan Elementary is over seventy years old, yet it still portrays the same strong spirit as it did when it first opened. Our school’s mascot, "The Bryan Lion", was chosen as early as the 1930s for its proper representation of the pride everyone feels who are or has been part of the Bryan family.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

International Human Resources

It is the biggest challenge of companies today to maintain and attract best employees thus the realization in holding trainings and conferences for top executives to level officers is exceedingly in demand. Initiating strategies and solutions regarding employee retention and human resource management keep on going to minimize costs and money. There are many promising solutions in going through a lot of obstacles in human resource recruitment. We may start on some questions that would spark a new beginning: are the employees are given the chance to speak?Are new ideas accepted? Are benefits really beneficial to employees? Does the employees’ opinion count? Are works valued, evaluated and rewarded on their performance? This are simple questions that has an impact to the existing problems in many companies, regardless of size, incorporating other issues like repatriation, better opportunities, poor treatment, differences in culture and disagreement on the direction of the company , lack of recognition, indefinite growth prospects and poor relationship among co-workers.Keeping people and maintaining them for a longer period of time is the most difficult and challenging tasks for all human resources managers nowadays, hopefully, we will answer possible keys and solutions to these burning questions throughout the discussion. Why are people leaving from one company to another?A wide variety of reasons why are people leaving their jobs to find new companies includes: expectations were not satisfactorily fulfilled, unsuitable for the role, do not fit with the company’s culture, insufficient opportunities for growth and development, inadequate acknowledgment and admiration, problems with a manager or supervisor, not satisfied with the compensation, stress, lack of work and life balance, and lack of confidence in the company and leadership (Meyers). According to Susan Heathfield (Heathfield, 2007), most employees are leaving their work for reasons of searchin g new opportunities with other companies.Three top reasons were identified by Heathfield: fifty three percent of employees look for better rewards and benefits, thirty five percent were discontented with prospects of career growth and development, and thirty two percent were ready for a new experience and new environment. The motivating factors that can enhance the continuous stay of employees were examined by Bob Losyk on his article, here are the different factors that he stated: dignity and respect, involvement and participation, pay above the industry average, showcase superior workers, and by showing support to employees (Losyk).Giving dignity and respect is one of the most important key elements in satisfying the employees, harsh words, shouting, insults, and abuse of power will only result to demoralization, low morale, increase possibilities of absenteeism, and in turn resignation. Losyk added that employers should be treated with high respect, worth and goodness, let them r elax, be independent and empowered. Do not crash on people who make mistakes instead make it more constructive and let them learn from it.Involvement and participation is also a significant factor in dealing with employees’ motivation to stay in the company, by listening to their suggestions, aspirations, and ideas can make them more involved and active much as with belongingness and partnership. Paying above the industry average will surely and literally compensate the best employee thus giving and making more money for you. Great employees should be compensated for what they gave back to the company and it should not be as simple as paying back but to reward and constantly recognize their efforts.For sure, companies who have the best employees will have more satisfied clients because of the excellent services they receive and in return a greater chance of repeat business will likely to come. Another tip from Losyk is to highlight and draw attention to outstanding employees by giving awards, certificates, extra remuneration, dinners as well as posting their photos on bulletin boards or company newsletters. To share and show support, to listen and know their personal and family problems can be a key factor for lasting relationship with employees.It will create a positive and motivating atmosphere resulting to a more productive and high-quality employees (Losyk). Human Resource Retaining Strategies: The Training Delivery / Communication Options The training delivery to be used is participative which simulates real scenarios (Schein, 1987). This will be a workshop type of training. Experiential learning should be employed in the training components of the human resources planning program aimed at maintaining work effectiveness, retaining employees and create organizational success where employee development is critical.The communication option to be used in the delivery of training should be simple yet effective. This type of training program will fit the workforce of the Belfarm Hotel to refine their training skills. Also, this training program will provide comprehensive information and techniques to develop critical competencies. Training activities will focus on the design and approach to facilitate effective delivery of functions and responsibilities. The training materials to be used should assist trainers in enhancing their training presentations with materials that are professionally designed and written.Group facilitation skills of the trainers should be maximized to effect intervention strategies needed to maintain effective group relationships and direct groups towards productive goals. Aside from the evaluation of the Human Resources Directors from available data and observations, a Training Needs Assessment and Evaluation conducted prior to the actual training proper help trainers understand and use selected needs assessment and evaluation tools as part of the design and delivery of training. Human Resource Issues and Ch allenges to Consider – Including Suggested SolutionsThe challenge to have a trained and skilled workforce is the ultimate competitive advantage for any organization (Cowling & Mailer, 1998). The rapidly expanding base of new information and technologies affects every one of us, from factory floor to business office. No matter how capable or successful an organization is, if staff training and continuing education is overlooked, there will be problems in the organization. The challenge is to get the best value for the training dollars spent by choosing training that suits the needs of the company and least impacts the bottom line (Storey & Sisson, 1993).In order to meet the challenge, comprehensive approach to employee development can be adopted. Set goals and reach them, identifying the needs, developing the right intervention, and delivering a practical, results-oriented solution. Interactive training is designed for the adult learner, requiring involvement in the learning p rocess. Handle specialized workplace challenges with customized group training. Handle challenges specific to the organization. A good approach is to maximize training dollars spent by tailoring content to the organization’s explicit situation to produce the results needed.The NL&C should source top-notch trainers who can combine their experiences with the latest in learning techniques for interactive sessions that emphasize skill development and application (RBA Training, 2006). Workforce Retention and Motivation Motivating an employee to do his or her best for the company and making him to stay long with the organization is one of the major concerns of HR. A group who specialize in management of labor in IT organization has observed that the average stay of most IT professionals in a company is less than three years.It has been observed also that companies, who are on a constant search and use of new technologies, send their employees to seminars and trainings to acquire ne w knowledge and exposing their people in a challenging environment are better ways to retain people than giving of higher salaries. Although, some HR managers believe that salary and career satisfaction are the key to retention, money is a prime motivator only for ‘starters’. Those who have gone to three or more jobs know the importance of being in a position highly valued by the company (Gupta 2006).We will focus on different ideas, tips and strategies that can help companies cope up with the up-and-coming problem in the human resources industry. As much as we know that many current employees are getting out of their jobs voluntarily not because that they were fired by their superiors but because they want to meet their expectations and good opportunities with other companies locally or overseas. Despite the fact that the most mentioned reason for leaving is financial, other important aspect is a factor that motivates them to gave up their jobs to look for other jobs e lsewhere (IOMA, 2005). According to Paul J.Sarvadi (Sarvadi, 2005), the reality behind why employees gave up their jobs lies not only to monetary issues but goes deeper into the human consciousness that their actions and characters concerning work will be appreciated and makes them feel secured and successful. He suggested that sound retention strategies should be focused to four key elements – performance, communication, loyalty and competitive advantage. Let us start on the first key element which is performance, most companies undergo evaluations and performance metrics that will likely sum up their overall accomplishment either annually, quarterly or monthly.It is important that it must not rely solely on quantitative evaluation or assessment but most of all the qualitative measurement should also be considered. The intense craving for an attention to speak their opinions and make it a part of the company’s objectives is a very significant factor that is fulfilling to human beings, when they felt that their actions, talents and capabilities are brought into play that makes a difference to the company or organization, a sense of belonging and the feeling of they are at home is beginning to develop.The subconscious of human beings is attached to the emotions that they feel that’s why they are happy when they are in the process of achieving a goal and making valuable contributions (Sarvadi, 2005). He added that communication process with employees is an essential part of developing a relationship with them. Not just a simple communication that involves deadlines, submissions and technical aspects but they must use a two-way transmission of ideas and opinions.It is better to hold regular meetings to properly channel all comments and suggestions, give feedbacks and share what the company has been going through the years, and listen to what they aspire and suggestions. Surveys are good indicators of assessing the performance of the company t hough not dependable, it can contribute insights from the employees on what is giving them motivation and morale.On the other hand, loyalty is a great tool in winning employee retention strategy, it is measured in terms of how committed and loyal the employee is, it is not an imposed requirement but an earned reaction to the trust, respect and commitment shown to the individuals in a company (Sarvadi, 2005). The success of an employee – growth and development, and their contributions to the company’s wellness is an essential part of commitment and loyalty and both should work together.The last element of Sarvadi’s strategy is competitive advantage, people in the workplace is expecting excitement, new adventures, and competitions. Winning and losing are the key words for competitive advantage, employees wanted to know unique competitive products in the marketplace and they wanted to be part of these exciting race. Everyone wants to be a champion, it is healthy to inform your employees about the competitive advantage of your company so as to keep them motivated to join the winning team.To attract and retain top performers, employers should focus on recognizing and rewarding employees frequently and taking them for granted is not an answer to a successful relationship, and most importantly, know what the enemy does according to Cheryl Cran, a human resources consultant, an art of war, a strategy to win the best performers, know and discover what the enemy offer and ensure that you can target and extend beyond the limits of the expectations of the employees (Cran).To save expenses from the personnel turnover and increase output and productivity as well, another top retention tips to retain key personnel are the following (Mason): 1. Deal fairly with employees like you deal with your most valuable clients. 2. Let your employees adore and care for your company. 3. Powerful retention strategies turn into powerful recruiting advantages. 4. Preserv ation and maintenance is much more successful when you put the right person into the right job. 5. Monetary reason is important but it is not the sole basis of people who stay with an organization. 6.Creation of committees for the employees can help expand retention strategies as well as developing an effective strategy. 7. Leadership must extremely devote in retention. 8. Different forms of expressing recognition and appreciation is a strong and powerful retention strategy. 9. Always keep in mind that the â€Å"Fun Factor† is very significant to many employees. 10. Be familiar with the drifts and developments in benefit packages. Give the best to tender the ones your employees want (Mason). In addition to the strategies above, in Ghana a capacity project has been carried out to health sectors that could also be beneficial to other employees.Five key stakeholders were interviewed for this topic. Other keys are additional duty hours allowance, car and housing loans, post gradu ate training opportunities, relaxed criteria for promotion, and flexible contracts, public-private partnership. To understand the strategies, the table below indicates the key retention strategies: Table 1. Key retention strategies (Perry, 2006) Incentive type Brief description Financial Incentive Initiate added duty allowance particularly for doctors (Perry, 2006). Non financial incentive Proposal for a car and housing loan under negotiation for professionals who are assigned in the rural community. Perry, 2006). Career advancement opportunities Initiate and suggest schemes for more prospects for two year post graduate training program (Perry, 2006). Rest and recreation eligibility criteria for advancement (Perry, 2006). Creative contracting arrangements Give way to pharmacists in the public sector to perform duties for the private sector (Perry, 2006). Attracting the Best Talent In a business with cut-throat competition, urgently looking for the same kind or professionals is a nor mal activity of HR managers. In their search for the right people, they try their best to convince IT professionals to work with the company.In such a competitive market, IT organizations are trying to find ways how to attract the cream of the crop. Best talent means people who possess both the technical and managerial skills. They have the complete knowledge of the business, have the ability to think of new ideas, can communicate effectively, have the mind for analytical and logical thinking; possess leadership ability, team players, creative and innovative. People like them are rare commodities and being able to bring them in the organization is a key HR challenge (Gupta 2006). Compensation and RewardLaw of supply and demand also applies to the hiring of best talents. Thus attractive compensation package is very significant in luring those great minds. This results into management doing away with the usual eight hours per day work schedule as basis for compensation. Salaries and i ncentives are now given commensurate to the applicants’ knowledge and performance. Employers also give emphasis on profit sharing or performing employees can opt for company shares of stocks. This encourages bright and talented people to stay long with the organization.Skills, competencies and commitment are now preferred over loyalty, hard work and length of service. Although, salary is not the number one motivator in the industry today, HR is also faced with the challenge of devising optimized compensation package to attract best people into the organization. Integrating HR strategy with Business Strategy HR direction should be in conformity with the business direction. HR plans are just a part of the overall business strategy with the purpose of attaining the business objectives. Everyone should row in a single direction.Other departments depend on HR in recruitment, retention, motivation and rewarding of valuable personnel. HR is also tasked to manage change, anticipate f uture personnel requirements, organizational effectiveness, team building and employees’ training and development. (Gupta 2006). ‘Encouraging quality and customer focus’ should be a concern of all employees in all departments. It is HR’s duty to orient people on this topic and emphasize its importance in the overall business operation. A culture of superior quality should be encouraged.With globalization and technological change running at an incredible speed, companies with inferior quality products cannot cope up with the competition. Building friendly relationship with the customer is also important to insure repeat orders and continuous purchases (Gupta 2006). Upgrading of Skills through Re-training In a highly competitive hotel business environment brought about by the fast-paced, unpredictable technological advancement and increased emphasis on quality of services, software businesses are compelled to look for adaptable and competent personnel in the case of Belfarm Hotel.Software professionals are sent to various venues to attend seminars and trainings to upgrade their skills so they can perform all the functions that are assigned to them by the organization. Highly skilled software professionals are a bit discouraged if they feel that they are being left behind. Once they have gained a new knowledge and have disseminated it to their subordinates, they start to look for yet other new things. That’s what motivates them. And it is another challenge for HR personnel to keep those bright people highly motivated (Gupta 2006).Experts interpret such trends as a significant new problem for businesses which the hotel industry has never experienced. This is the serious lack of workers who possess the skills required by the economy. With longer life expectancy, reduced birthrate and the aging workers now coming to the age of mandatory retirement, the age profile of workers is dramatically changing (hrsolutionstoday 2006). Figure 1 : Re-Training Diagram These changing workforce demographics have serious implications in HR’s quest to attract the best talent.Because of the lack of qualified IT professionals, HR must once again repackage the compensation and reward being offered to make it more attractive. They should strive hard for the retention and motivation of the existing workforce because piracy of talented personnel among IT organization is on the rise. It is suggested that retention of older employees is one way to counter the problem on changing workforce demographics. That suggestion is often overlooked. For more than 20 years, it has been the practice of the corporate world to retire aging employees.To ease out retirees, programs such as retiree medical coverage, early retirement programs and other plans are being designed. They also make way for the entry of younger workers who will receive salary for ‘starters’, thus are less expensive (Gallo 2006). While those who stay in the c ompany for long have higher salaries and benefits than younger workers, the prospect of losing those aging but reliable people can entail more cost to a company than continue paying their salaries and benefits. And they are not really willing and ready to leave their job they have loved for several years.They want to work more and extend their stay in the company for another several years. Some still need the financial reward and the health benefits that employment can give (Gallo 2006). Watson Wyatt’s Strategic Reward Survey said that there are top five items which are important to older workers and they are: benefits, compensation, independence, security and skill development. This prospect of extending the services of older workers is still under study. There are however at least five strategies which can be viable to make retiring employees stay in the company longer thus cushioning the impact of lack of workers problem.Viable options can be phasing retirement, modifying retirement plans, modifying compensation plans, customizing benefits and redesigning the job (Gallo 2006). Technology and globalization drive organizations to be more flexible. A contract relationship is not inexpensive, but it’s more flexible. The use of contingent workforce affords companies to be more competitive. Randy Floyd, program manager of the Office of Contingent Workforce Management said, â€Å"Those that push for the use of contingent workforce may see greater benefits (Contingent Workforce Strategies 2005)†.The use of contingent workforce has positive implication in the technology industry. HR can opt for this kind of workforce while trying their best to look for the best and the brightest. They can adjust their budget as this labor force is less expensive than those people who are directly hired by the company. It is very clear that outsourcing is a success. However, companies are beginning to realize the costs and inherent risks that go with it. Generall y speaking, â€Å"Outsourcing is a very complex process which the benefits that are expected seldom materialize†.There are tradeoffs that go with outsourcing such as cost reduction against growth, quickness against quality, and maintaining company’s culture of working together against knowledge and innovation (Singhatiya 2005). In an article published in the Northeast Human Resources Association paper, Michael Andrew, Principal, Strategic Impact Learning, said that â€Å"It is high time to elevate HR’s role to that of a Chief Development Officer who is bent on increasing the capabilities which are vital to the attainment of company’s goals and objectives.For HR to become a business partner to the executive team, it should speak about the language of business rather than the language of HR. There is a clear call for HR professionals to redefine themselves as business partners by being business person first and HR professional second† (Andrew 2006). Increasing demand for immigrant workforce and opportunities abroad: The increasing demand of hiring cross-cultural workforce is a global necessity to respond the needs internationally.But because of the terms and conditions in hiring immigrants, it is very difficult to establish a worthy and constant employee for a particular business due to numerous alternative employment with other companies. To better understand the recruitment, hiring and retaining the best employees especially the immigrants and ethnic workers, it is important that we should consider the culture, traditions, and beliefs, know the different ethnic lifestyles and values, appreciate the impact that the immigrant workforce is influencing the management, and study the fabrications on recruitment of diverse ethnic groups.In addition to Losyk’s article, he stressed that it is significant that companies must understand the needs and desires most Hispanic and Asian workers want from a workplace, discover how to g ive comment to immigrant employees, determine the critical factors needed to train Asian, Hispanic and other cross-cultural groups, and create management techniques that can work and understand the involvement and recognition with the ethnic groups (Losyk).Further problems encountered by other employers is when their employees who are assigned to work overseas over a period of time will transfer to another companies in a few months to seek greener pastures. These are real and actual happenings in most development organizations when workers or volunteers enter into a contract to gain experience overseas and marked it as a stepping stone to find great opportunities abroad. How can companies and organizations struggle to this concurrent problem? Is this just a cycle to be left out and find new workers to continue the job?Are there any other holistic means that we can manage to surpass this continuing global recruitment problem? Conclusion: The best and the brightest in a company as wel l as entry level employees should be carefully kept, managed and trained. The ultimate strategy that should be considered for employees is to consider the needs, wants, and personal aspirations like career development, recognition and reward and the objectives they want for the organizations. Rewards should be helpful to them like educational opportunities, car and housing incentives, health plan for the employee and their family and good bonuses.Emergency funds if necessary when problems like illness arise in one of the members of the family, and more vacation and/or sick leaves are also a rewarding remuneration to employees. Managers and supervisors who are good listeners to their employees are good signs of good relationship, it is like a father/mother – daughter/son relationship that is always there to listen, understand, and suggest what is best and what is worst, even the most personal things of the employee should also be taken in consideration.Manager’s role is a crucial aspect of retaining best employees because they will serve as a mentor that will guide the employees towards a positive direction. Availability, fair treatment, flexibility and open communication during tough times is a positive message and strong response to employees who are in dire need to seek help, as a result, a healthy environment and workplace is being developed and cultivated. After all, empowerment, sustainability, goal-oriented and development are the most important key words for the success of organizations and individuals.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reflection Management Style Essay

Yes, my definition of a manager has changed based on this weeks readings. At the beginning of the course I held the definition of a manager as a person who is in charge of a certain organization or firm. Based on this weeks reading, my definition of a manager has changed to a qualified person with specific qualities who is able to organize the resources in a firm during both the boom and the lean seasons in the business so as to ensure that the firm or organization is profitable. A manager should not only lead a firm but also be in a position to organize the factors of production in the organization in which he is a leader to ensure smooth running of the organization as well as high productivity (Cardy, 2008). I still agree with the good qualities of a manager originally identified. Some of the good qualities of a leader originally identified include the qualities that relate to personal characteristics as well as the business related characteristics. Some of the personal characteristics of a good manager originally identified include integrity. Unless a manager has integrity, an organization cannot run well. A good manager needs to have integrity so that he may be able to lead by example. This is by following rules and maintaining the virtues that help the organization to run well. Other qualities of a good manager identified originally include communication, reliability as well as motivation (Melinda, 2010). The business related qualities include the knowledge of the legal procedures, financial management skills, delegation skills among others. I would add qualities of a good leader such as flexibility. A good manager should be flexible so as to accommodate the many changes he might come across in course of management. These may include a change in the work environment. I do still agree with the poor qualities originally identified.  There are managers who portray very poor management qualities as identified originally. Some of the poor qualities of a leader identified include failure to communicate, dictatorship, disrespect as well as discrimination amongst employees. A poor manager will display qualities of poor management by showing discriminating among his employees. This means that the manager favours some of the employees. The discrimination brings about division in the organization hence no good team work (Jillyan, 2013). There are additional qualities that are portrayed by poorleaders. Some of these poor qualities include poor motivation habits where the manager does not reward his employees after any achievement. The lack of motivation is a great drawback to any organization and only the managers can correct by motivating their employees. The qualities of a manager change depending on the different situations they are in. For instance, the home environment of a manager could change the personal qualities of a good manager. For instance if a manager observes integrity in his leadership and in his home environment everybody is corrupt, he will be influenced by his people and stop observing integrity (Cardy, 2008). The results for the management quiz were not very successful but after going through the course reading the results are very promising. The results would change greatly as we learn more about management in this course. The course allows one to contemplate on the qualities portrayed by most managers and make him or her critical on these characteristics. References Cardy,R.(2008)Management : people, performance, change. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Jillyan, S. (2013). Qualities A Manager Should Have. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Melinda, H. (2010). Characteristics and Attributes of a Good Manager. Cincinnati: Wooster Press.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Example of a Formal Letter †English

Example of a Formal Letter – English Free Online Research Papers Example of a Formal Letter English (100 Level Course) Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with regard to one of the letters to the director published in Monday’s edition of your newspaper referring to the incorrect idea that society has of the younger generation’s behaviour encouraged by what is shown on our cinema and TV screens about us.I am in almost complete agreement with the author. I am sick and tired of how teenagers are shown to the general public as anarchists who do not respect anyone but themselves and their friends, nor their families or their superiors in both university and at work. There are surely lots of youngsters who might fit in these profile but as many as there is all other age groups. Being a teenager does not mean being disrespectful of society. It is only a period of your life that does not necessarily imply behaving without caring about the consequences of your acts. However, the TV industry seems to be determined to build a deformed image of our behaviour. In almost every serial, soap opera, film, documentary or even cartoon, the teenage characters appear to live out of any script. They have always the most antisocial personalities and hardly rely on anyone, have an argument with one of their relatives practically once a day and do nothing at school but smoke in the bathrooms and miss classes deliberately. Therefore, I would strongly suggest that these television stations and film enterprises change their minds and reflect also what the other half of the younger generation do, how they struggle to get on with a healthy working life. Yours faithfully Student Name Research Papers on Example of a Formal Letter - EnglishWhere Wild and West MeetEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCapital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Form Compound Nouns in Italian

How to Form Compound Nouns in Italian Where does the word â€Å"autostrada - highway† come from? It comes from two words: auto (car) and strada (street), giving it a literal meaning of â€Å"a street for cars.† This is just one example of a compound noun in Italian, or a word that is combined of two other words. In Italian linguistics, this is called a â€Å"composto - compound† or a â€Å"parola composta - compound word.† Other examples include: fermare carte  » fermacarte - paperweightpasta asciutta  » pastasciutta - dried pastacassa panca  » cassapanca - dresser Creating compound nouns is one of the primary ways, after adding suffixes, to increase the amount of vocabulary in the language. The formation of new words is particularly useful to the development of terminologie tecnico-scientifiche (scientific and technical terminology). Consider, for example, the numerous compound nouns with Greek elements in the language of medicine: elettrocardiogramma - electrocardiogramcancerogeno - carcinogenic What Makes Up a Compound Noun A compound need not be two (or more) forme libere, such as â€Å"asciuga(re)† and â€Å"mano† in â€Å"asciugamano.† They can also be two (or more) forme non libere, such as antropo- (from the Greek nthrÃ… pos man) and -fago (from the Greek phaghà ªin to eat) in antropofago he who eats human flesh. The Greek elements antropo- and -fago, unlike asciuga(re) and mano, do not exist as stand-alone words, but are found only in compound nouns. Aside from this difference, another should be noted: in compound nouns, such as â€Å"asciugamano,† there is the sequence verb (asciugare) noun (mano) while those such as antropofago have an inverse sequence: noun (antropo- man) verb (-fago to eat). In any event, there is a fundamental property common to these two compounds: the implied, underlying phrase of both has a verbal predicate: (qualcosa) asciuga (la) mano  » asciugamano - (something) dries (the) hand  » hand towel(qualcosa) mangia (l) uomo  » antropofago - (something) eats (the) man  » cannibal In other cases, however, the implied phrase of the compound has a nominal predicate. In other words, it is a sentence containing the verb essere: (il) filo (à ¨) spinato  » filo spinato - (the) wire (is) barbed  » barbed wire(la) cassa (à ¨) forte  » cassaforte - (the) box (is) strong  » strongbox, safe    EXAMPLES OF ITALIAN COMPOUND NOUNS Noun Noun / Nome Nome capo stazione  » capostazione - stationmastercapo giro  » capogiro - dizzinesscassa panca  » cassapanca - dressermadre perla  » madreperla - mother-of-pearl Noun Adjective / Nome Aggettivo cassa forte  » cassaforte - strongbox, safe Adjective Noun / Aggettivo Nome franco bollo  » francobollo - stampmezza luna  » mezzaluna - half-moon Adjective Adjective / Aggettivo Aggettivo piano forte  » pianoforte - pianosordo muto  » sordomuto - deaf-mute Verb Verb / Verbo Verbo dormi veglia  » dormiveglia - stupor, lethargysali scendi  » saliscendi - latch Verb Noun / Verbo Nome apri scatole  » apriscatole - can openerlava piatti  » lavapiatti - dishwasherspazza neve  » spazzaneve - snowplow Verb Adverb / Verbo Avverbio posa piano  » posapiano - slowpokebutta fuori  » buttafuori - bouncer Adverb Verb / Avverbo Verbio bene stare  » benestare - approval, blessing, consentmale essere  » malessere - unease, discomfort Adverb Adjective / Avverbo Aggettivo sempre verde  » sempreverde - evergreen Preposition or Adverb Noun / Preposizione o Avverbio Nome sotto passaggio  » sottopassaggio - underpassanti pasto  » antipasto - appetizersopra nome  » soprannome - nicknamedopo scuola  » doposcuola - after-school    Compound Nouns with â€Å"Capo† Among the compounds formed using the term capo (head), in the figurative sense, a distinction must be made between: those in which the term capo indicates one who commands, the manager: capo scuola  » caposcuola - deancapo stazione  » capostazione - stationmastercapo classe  » capoclasse - class president and those in which the element capo indicates either excellence or beginning of something: capo lavoro  » capolavoro - masterpiececapo verso  » capo verso - paragraph, indent There are also other types of compounds, formed in more diverse ways: capodanno capo dellanno (noun preposition noun) - New Year, end of the yearpomodoro pomo doro (noun preposition noun) - tomatobuono-sconto buono per ottenere uno sconto - discount ticketfantascienza scienza del fantastico - science fiction

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Attitude and beliefs part 1 and Part 2 Assignment

Attitude and beliefs part 1 and Part 2 - Assignment Example I find these types of quiz to be very helpful as these are the exercises, with which I can spend some quality time for my needs, understand my own preferences and changing needs and help in determining the factors influencing decisions of my career and life. After reading the Canada’s Human Rights Commission and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, I find various issues which were new to me or my knowledge was limited in the same. I was aware of discrimination due to color of skin and sex but I was not very clear about the kind of discrimination by disability or age. I think my group of friends will get benefit of this information. One of my friend is physically challenged and often when he is not served well he simply says ‘its fine, leave it’. I think now I know he can claim over his right to be served and treated equally. I have not witnessed any situation where the Canadian workplace laws were not adhered to the Canadian Human Rights